Wouldn’t it be delightful if you could escape from the run-of-the-mill life just for a couple of minutes to spend some time with yourself, to provide the breather your mind and body needs?
Let’s face it; everybody deserves a “me-time” to focus on emotional well-being. Well, in the past, for every Indian household meditation and pooja rooms were not only incredible stress-busters, but also served to connect with the greater power and maintain the equilibrium of the human mind. The constant echoes of the chants, the aroma of the incense sticks, the brightly lit earthen lamps oozed a positive aura that made these rooms the most pious and tranquil corners of the Indian homes.
While in the traditional Indian household, there was a separate allocated room for meditating, the constraints of modern living in urban spaces have compelled us to rethink about the pooja rooms. But, gone are the days when you have to stress over designing a separate pooja room. ...... Read More